Design Exercise: Beauty Responsive App Animation
The path to purchase was reviewed and the following feedback contributed to the final design, which can be found in the Buff Beauty Co. Project Summary.
Splash Screen
Jesse: Love everything about the splash screen including the text, logo, and the gentle curvature of the colors fading and intermingling. It really brings to mind the mixing together of makeup. Good job!
Also the time based fade into the next screen is a nice touch.
Catriona: I think here the curved line or me doesn’t work with the typeface. A straight line dividing the colours I feel would work better. Everything else looks great, nice job!
Login Screen
Dylan: Excellent splash screen, and love the font you are using for the title/logo. The layout on this page is beautifully spaced and easy to scan. My only caveat is that the font is sometimes hard to read at smaller sizes. Maybe consider another font to complement?
Catriona: Very nice design, it’s clear and minimal which I like. The only thing I can see on is possibly the red border on the sign up, log in buttons. I think the underline is enough here, using the ticker line to signify that the button is active. Overall, great job!
Menu Design
Dylan: Again, a terric, uncluttered layout! Simple and effective, as a user, I know where I am and where I can go next. The font on the menu navigation may be better served by changing the text to uppercase however? Or by increasing the letter spacing to make it more legible?
Basket Experience
Dylan: All in all, a really good shopping experience Amanda C. There’s a lot of information on this page though - I’m not aware of your brief so I’m not too sure if you had to limit the number of screens you could design. Maybe consider ‘splitting’ this page into two? One for the quantity, address and payment, and another for the confirmation? Keep up the good work!!
Jardin: This is nice information for the user. I understand that sometimes people try to work this out on their own, and this makes it easier for them.
Product Page 2
Dylan: Cannot praise you enough for the layout choices, really very good!
See the Buff Beauty Co. Project Summary here.